The Fire Service Training and Education Program (FSTEP) produces continuing education and topic-specific training courses that do not lead to job function certification. Below is a list of FSTEP State Fire Training curriculum for which there are down-loadable resources. Pre-2012 curriculum provides student manuals, instructor guides and instructor power point templates. Post-2012 curriculum provides only course plans (and student activities if applicable).
For a brief overview of all SFT curriculum go to the Course Information & Required Materials manual.
For the manuals listed below, by agreement, CAL FIRE’s Office of the State Fire Marshal (OSFM) allows for reproduction of the following student and instructor manuals for Educational and Instruction Purposes ONLY. No other reproduction is permitted without written permission of OSFM. For inquires or to report unauthorized use, contact Kris.Rose@fire.ca.gov.
For CFSTES curriculum please go to Professional Certification web page.
California Training Officers Association (CATO), in coordination with California State Fire Training (SFT), are proud to offer the following resources to the California Fire Service. Working collaboratively with SFT, CATO is able to host curriculum found below.
By becoming a member of CATO, there are several tangible and intangible benefits such as early registration to the Annual Fresno Training Symposium, free attendance to quarterly training sessions in both the North and South, and a broad range of networking opportunities. Your CATO’s represent the entire California Fire Service by providing representation on committees including, but not limited to: STEAC, Firefighter 1 & 2 rewrite committees, Fire Control 3B, CICCS, and Firescope.
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